Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Call Me

Today, I finally got my act together and went to the state library to start on my paper that's due this Thursday (eek!).

While I was there this older man kept following me around, which was seriously creepy. He asked me if I went to the mall recently because he thought he saw me there. Uh, no.

Then this younger dude came up to me and said that my laptop charger looked like a Wii charger. Then he came back and said the same thing and slipped me his number. I accidentally ripped the paper into little bookmarks.


Anonymous said...

Boys can be creepy. And I always get the creepy ones. They seem to be the bravest ones. I wish it weren't that way. =/

TheSundayBest said...


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Curious people seem to hang-out at the library. Unfortunately you might be mistaken for one of them...

J. said...

No wonder libraries get such bad reps - what's with all these creepers?! It's beyond frightening that you were followed round by some older guy, but the younger Wii boy seems much more bizarre. How can you even make a move over a laptop charger?

Elizabeth said...

Blimey, what a popular girl you are!
