Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Here

I love/hate this time of the year. The holidays come at you fast, cheery Christmas music is everywhere and you're constantly worrying about buying all your gifts. Then, you're popping fireworks and eating plate fulls of grilled shrimp and sashimi on the last day of the year and it starts all over again. I'm pretty darn excited about 2009 though, especially for the summer.

Got my voting done today and it felt damn good. Si se pinchen puede!

Oh, and I wore my bow tie to school today, it was fun.


Anonymous said...

I love your shirt and your bowtie and your facial expression. Hahaha. :) I love this time of year. I've only bought a few gifts but I have it all planned out though. LOL. I love new years though it's my favorite holiday. I'm always excited for new beginings. And good job with the voting. I was going to vote early but since there's no school andy mom is off were going to vote that day. Plus I like all the excitement at the polls that day. Haha. Are you going to stay up all night for the results?

Susanna-Cole King said...

I love the holidays, but ah, they always arrive so quickly! Sometimes I feel like we just had Christmas yesterday! :P And yet it's almost here again! :D


makemoremistakes said...

Hi lovely, thanks for the sweet comment.

I also hate the commercial part of Christmas- it's just so fake and greedy. This year I am making all of my gifts, and so is my mom, my brothers, and my best friend (partly I think because we're like, feeling the sucking economy, and partly because it's just waaaaay more fun, and less stressful). Annnnywho you should try it!


Simone said...

Cute! The bowtie looks lovely...

Syed said...

LOVE the shirt and bowtie and that photo looks super :) I can never quite get into thinking about Christmas until Halloween and Bonfire Night are over!

kittenmasks said...

God, I just voted yesterday. I waited in line for 2.5 hours in front of this woman with REALLY bad breath.

I'm excited for 2009, too. Lots of things are going to change for me, and I can't wait. For some reason, odd numbered years are REALLY good for me. Like 2007 was awesome. 2008? Sucked. I know I still have 2 months left, but I pretty much know how everyday for the rest of the year is going to be like, and it's going to suck.


How cool, I love Charlie Chaplin! :) Thanks for your Romper comment as well, dear.

What did you do for Halloween? Any good candy?

♥/ fashion chalet

Donna A. said...

I'm big on the bowtie! Love it~

BiLLiON $$$ said...

i love how u did that pic:)
it rockz :)

Elizabeth said...

I love the photo.

Anonymous said...

That bow tie is adorable!! Haha, I love the holiday season, though I could take or leave the carols..

. said...

victory in japan

JEYQ said...

you look super ferocious in your bowtie and checked shirt.

LOVE it.

Tricia said...

what a great photo. and I can't stand it when the Xmas decorations come out early!

Anonymous said...

Thank u ;-) look at this emo boy hair over this blog: